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I’d Like to PERSONALLY Help You Achieve Your Dreams . . . 

For LESS Than a Cup of Coffee Per Day!

And give you FREE access to over $1200 worth of my programs and other resources! See the details below.

And give you FREE access to over $12,000 worth of my programs, courses and other resources!

See the details below.

Brian smiling

Aloha, my new friend. I’m Brian D Ridgway. I love you, and I’m thrilled to have you here!

I want to congratulate you on picking up your copy of “Break Your Self-Help Addiction.” You made the perfect investment in your future.

This book gives you proven tools that can help you create lasting change in your life. The same tools that have helped thousands of people worldwide.

Aloha, my new friend. I’m Brian D Ridgway. I love you, and I’m thrilled to have you here!

I want to congratulate you on picking up your copy of “Break Your Self-Help Addiction.”

You made the perfect investment in your future.

This book gives you proven tools that can help you create lasting change in your life.

The same tools that have helped thousands of people worldwide.

You’re in the right place. Our secure system is processing your order - and it’s not finished yet.

So make sure you stay on this page and don’t accidentally close it because it may cause errors to your order.

And you may not be able to see this page again.

Now I want to drive one point home . . .

You didn’t just buy a book . . .

You’re in the right place. Our secure system is processing your order - and it’s not finished yet.

So make sure you stay on this page and don’t accidentally close it because it may cause errors to your order. And you may not be able to see this page again.

Now I want to drive one point home . . .

You didn’t just buy a book . . .

You possibly saved yourself years of struggle, frustration and misery.

And I mean it.

The techniques I share with you in “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” have saved me from committing suicide . . . and my wife and kids from sleeping on the streets.

Thanks to these insights, the last 10 years were the best years of my life.

These same techniques have also helped the tens of thousands of people worldwide who went through this book. And I’m receiving their success stories almost every day now.

  • I’m receiving messages from people who finally discovered that they can be happy, truly love themselves and are worthy of having an amazing life.
  • From people who lost weight, became financially free, healed their relationships or found the perfect person to live with.
  • And I’m receiving messages from people who broke free from chronic back pain, fear, anxiety, uncertainty and all those depressing feelings which ruined their lives . . .

But here’s what fascinates me the most:

Many of these people have done 10 . . . 20 . . . or even 40 years of inner work . . .

And despite all their efforts, they felt “stuck” and couldn’t move forward . . .
until they found this book

Back in the day, I was no different.

I spent 30 years and over 300,000 dollars on different books, courses and coaching sessions that didn’t change my life even a tiny bit.

So trust me, when I develop my own products, I do EVERYTHING I can so that you can experience a lasting shift in your life.

We’ve all had enough of products that make beautiful promises and leave us with nothing.

That’s why I put all my efforts into making sure my products are different.

And people who work with me, say that I ALWAYS over-deliver on my promises.

The same applies to “Break Your Self-Help Addiction.”

The techniques I describe in this book were already a blockbuster when I first developed them 9 years ago.

But then, I updated them with my newest discoveries, after thousands of sessions with people from all over the world . . . 

So that they’re even more powerful now than ever before!

  • They have the power to break you free from the depths of misery.
  • They have the power to show you that you too can be happy.
  • That you are a beautiful being of love who is worth the amazing life that you always wanted!

So one more time, I want to congratulate you on picking your copy today. I assure you that you have made one of the wisest investments in yourself.

But before you dive into it, I have something so important to share with you. I literally spent the last 2 days preparing this page for you.

Because . . . 

So one more time, I want to congratulate you on picking your copy today.

I assure you that you have made one of the wisest investments in yourself.

But before you dive into it, I have something so important to share with you.

I literally spent the last 2 days preparing this page for you.

Because . . . 

I figured out an unusual way you can speed up your results with “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” . . .

And achieve the breakthrough in your life much faster!

With it, you can:

  • Find and experience true love and have an amazing intimate relationship
  • Enhance your health, become thin and energetic and even ease chronic health issues
  • Become free from the demons of your past that make you feel sad, depressed and miserable
  • Ease the emotional traumas and find peace after losing someone you love
  • Let go of anxiety and finally find peace, happiness, and true meaning in life knowing that you’ve always been perfect and there is NOTHING wrong with you!

And all that almost effortlessly, without any new books, courses or tools. Yet with 100% certainty that you can achieve your breakthrough - even if nothing has worked for you before.

Let me show you how that’s possible.

And all that almost effortlessly, without any new books, courses or tools.

Yet with 100% certainty that you can achieve your breakthrough - even if nothing has worked for you before.

Let me show you how that’s possible.

You Can Achieve Amazing Results Faster

Early in 2020, I created a monthly program that I called “Liberation Conversations.” In this program, I meet with a group of people on a live webinar, 4 times each month. And I personally help people dissolve all kinds of obstacles, issues or “problems” they’re facing in life . . .

Including life-long issues that no matter what they did, they couldn’t solve.

What’s best, these folks achieve it 100% effortlessly and without the need to study yet another book or course.

Because all they have to do is follow my personalized guidance and feel what’s happening with their mind, body and soul.

It works like that because with my techniques, I get to the root of the roots of their issues. And I help them dissolve them during the webinar!

To many people, a single session with me brought a bigger breakthrough, than decades of studying self-help!

And because you trusted me by ordering
“Break Your Self-Help Addiction” . . .

Early in 2020, I created a monthly program that I called “Liberation Conversations.”

In this program, I meet with a group of people on a live webinar, 4 times each month.

And I personally help people dissolve all kinds of obstacles, issues or “problems” they’re facing in life . . .

Including life-long issues that no matter what they did, they couldn’t solve.

What’s best, these folks achieve it 100% effortlessly and without the need to study yet another book or course.

Because all they have to do is follow my personalized guidance and feel what’s happening with their mind, body and soul.

It works like that because with my techniques, I get to the root of the roots of their issues.

And I help them dissolve them during the webinar!

To many people, a single session with me brought a bigger breakthrough, than decades of studying self-help!

And because you trusted me by ordering
“Break Your Self-Help Addiction” . . .

I want to give you access to this monthly program under some very special conditions that I offer you ONLY on this page!

If you close this page, this one-time offer will be gone. So stay with me, because this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And I will give you the details in a moment.

First, let me show you what this program is all about and what it can give you.

If you close this page, this one-time offer will be gone. So stay with me, because this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

And I will give you the details in a moment.

First, let me show you what this program is all about and what it can give you.

Become Liberated 

In this program, each week I jump on a 1-hour (or longer) video call with the members . . .

To PERSONALLY help them move forward in life.

This means that I will be there for you to track and enhance your experience with “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” and help you sustain the fantastic results you’ll achieve.

  • It also means that you will be able to ask me any questions you want . . .
  • Bring up any issue that you want to deal with . . .
  • Or ask me to help you dissolve the deepest beliefs, emotions, traumas and identities that have been ruining your life since you were a kid . . .

And the best thing is it won’t require ANY additional effort from you.

  • I won’t ask you to read more books . . .
  • I won’t ask you to buy some new coaching program . . .
  • And I won’t ask you to change your daily routine . . .

I went through over 40 years of research and inner work, and I know what works

And the best possible way I can prove it to you is through the hundreds of testimonials, messages and reviews from people thrilled with my work that are all over my website.

But among them all, there’s one short testimonial that tells the whole story.

It’s the one I received from a super-successful man named Mitch Russo - a former President of Tony Robbins’ company called “Business Breakthroughs Intl.”

Let me repeat that - Mitch was the CEO of a company owned by Tony Robbins

This guy was as close to Tony as a person can get - so when it comes to self-help, he has not only seen it all - but he co-created many of those legendary self-help tools and techniques.

And yet, after working with me, he was so impressed that he said:

Mitch Russo

"Brian’s methods are like nothing I have ever seen for getting to the root of life-issues and dissolving them."

I’ve Done the Hard Work For You

I’ve tested and picked the techniques which I have proved to work. So all you need to do now is follow my guidance while breathing deeply and being present.

That’s the perfect recipe for changing your life faster than you ever thought possible.

And there’s one more thing you receive as a member of “Liberation Conversations.”

You receive FREE access to tools and resources worth over $1200!

Yes, that’s twelve hundred dollars worth of my help. And here’s how you can get it.

Before I created Liberation Conversations, you’d need to invest anywhere from $800 for a 1-hour private session . . . to $24,000 for a 4-day mentoring at my place in Hawaii if you wanted to work with me in person.

I’ve Done the Hard Work For You

I’ve tested and picked the techniques which I have proved to work.

So all you need to do now is follow my guidance while breathing deeply and being present.

That’s the perfect recipe for changing your life faster than you ever thought possible.

And there’s one more thing you receive as a member of “Liberation Conversations.”

You receive FREE access to my courses, recordings of my live programs, and hundreds of tools and resources worth over $12,000!

Yes, that’s twelve thousand dollars worth of my help. And here’s how you can get it.

Before I created Liberation Conversations, you’d need to invest anywhere from $800 for a 1-hour private session . . . to $24,000 for a 4-day mentoring at my place in Hawaii if you wanted to work with me in person.

Now thanks to “Liberation Conversations”, you can receive my direct guidance and help, almost as if you had booked a private session with me . . . for a mere fraction of the price!

The regular price of Liberation Conversations is $176 per month - but you won’t need to invest anything even remotely close to $176.

Because only today and only on this page, you can join the first month of Liberation Conversations for just $44 and save 75%!

And that’s not all because if you decide to stay after the first month . . .

You’ll be entitled to a lifetime 50%-discount for this program!

This means that for as long as you stay with us, you will have access to this live program for just $88 per month, instead of the regular price of $176 monthly.

So to recap, you can join us right now for just $44 for the first month and experience how powerful this program is.

And when you decide to continue, then it will be only $88 monthly, for as long as you stay with us.

And what’s best - there are no limits and no timeframes.

You can stay in this program for as long as you wish - and quit whenever you want. No one will ask you questions.

But remember, if you decline this one-off offer, you will lose all of your discounts.

So if you’ll want to join Liberation Conversations in the future, you’ll need to pay the full price of $176/month.

Now think about it - $44 for a month of weekly sessions - that’s 11 bucks per session . . .

Or about $3 per day - which is what you normally pay for a cup of coffee in a restaurant.

Plus, you get access to the recordings of all the previous sessions.

Here’s what others say about this program:

Cheryl Ellerbee

Brain’s work is amazing!

"Liberation Conversations have helped me with issues I didn’t even realize I had. I very rarely catch the live feed but the replays I have watched are invaluable. Brian’s work in any form is amazing!"

Patti Larsen

Patti Larsen

For the first time ever I’m free

“If you’re reading this and have any doubt, I swear I’m just like you. I’ve been down this road, I’m as skeptical (and hopeful) as the next person desperately seeking the answer to a question I wasn’t even asking correctly. For the first time ever, and I don’t say this lightly, I’m free. <3 Thank you, Brian.”

Jennifer Morris

You will get what you want each time

“I can’t recommend working with Brian enough in whatever capacity works for you, you will get exactly what you need each time.”

karen praksti

Karen Praksti

Life-changing information you won’t find anywhere else

“Liberation Conversations with Brian has been a priceless program for me. Brian always over delivers with real life-changing information that you won’t find anywhere else. His teachings are alive and I listen to them over and over with more results each time. This is your chance, grab it. I know you will love him too!”

Tracy Keo

Tracy Keough

1 hour with Brian has changed my marriage

“Prior to finding Brian’s work, my relationship of 22 years hit a crossroad. We had been 2 months into marital counseling with several hours daily doing relationship workbooks and youtube videos. 1 hour replay of Brian’s session made all the difference in my perception of my marriage and the challenges we were facing.“

Now, you have two choices.

You can skip this one-off deal, yet if you will want to join Liberation Conversations later, you will need to pay the full price of $176 monthly.

Or you can accept this one-off offer now, and get full access to this membership for $44. 

Now let me ask you this:

  • What if you join us today, and during our upcoming live session, you will share your issues with me . . . and I help you deal with them, right then and there?
  • What if, thanks to that, your relationships improve beyond your wildest dreams?
  • What if you finally experience the warmth of true, unconditional love, spreading through your body, giving you peace, security, and happiness?
  • What if you finally let go of those harmful habits that destroy your health, make you tired, overweight, and unhappy?
  • What if everything that was hard for you, from that moment on becomes as easy as breathing . . . And all those things that kept you stuck for all these years take care of themselves and dissolve for good?
Vee Comstock

My work has helped Vee Comstock dissolve her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She had been battling it for over 20 years yet after a single session with me in 2016, she never had another episode again.

Kate Postma

Or Kate Potsma. She was struggling with severe back issues and after over 19 years of going from doctor to doctor, from one treatment to another, she nearly lost hope.

Then she found me, and watched just one live session with me. The very same night, for the first time in years, she slept like a baby without taking a single painkiller. Her back problems dissolved for good!

I know that if I were you, I would at least try Liberation Conversations for one month because the odds are high that it could bring you a bigger breakthrough than everything you have tried before.

So if you want to join Liberation Conversations for $44 and save 75% - just click the button below, and we will automatically upgrade your order.

Remember - there are no obligations. You can stay for as long as you want and quit whenever you want.

Keep in mind that after you close this page, you won’t see it again. And you may never get a chance to join Liberation Conversations at a 75% discount.

To upgrade your order, click the button below right now:
