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Breakyourselfhelpaddiction.com does not engage directly or indirectly in diagnosing, dispensing medical advice, or prescribing the use of any product, therapy or service as a treatment for disease or sickness whether physical or mental. We offer health information in an effort to help you work with the health professional of your choice in your mutual goal of building all aspects of health.
This site and the services offered by breakyourselfhelpaddiction.com are provided for information purposes only. The information presented is the opinion of the authors and others and is not represented as fact, nor is either it or the services offered intended to replace professional traditional medical and other treatments offered by any doctor, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist or psychologist.
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Refund Policy
The Level 5 Mentoring products have different refund policies on a product by product basis. Due to the nature of our services, our 1 on 1 private sessions and Private 1 on 1 Mentoring Programs have a ‘NO refund’ policy.
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Reference herein to any specific products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favor. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the site.
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This Website is not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other health-care providers. Rather, it is intended to offer information to help the reader work with physicians and health professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being. Because some services, products or techniques are alternative approaches, the statements about the products & services presented in this site have not been evaluated by any government bodies. Breakyourselfhelpaddiction.com does not engage directly or indirectly in diagnosing, dispensing medical advice, or prescribing the use of any product, therapy or service as a treatment for disease or sickness whether physical or mental. We offer health information in an effort to help you work with the health professional of your choice in your mutual goal of building health.
One should always consult a primary care physician/health practitioner of choice when considering health issues, especially when undergoing treatment for an existing condition. Pregnant individuals should also consult a physician before beginning any program.
The contents of this website have not been evaluated nor approved by any government or official body. No person should rely on the contents of any of the information, products or services on this website or advice, products or services provided by Breakyourselfhelpaddiction.com without first obtaining advice from a qualified professional person. No person should act on any information, products or services provided before they have formed their own opinion through investigation and research as to the suitability of the information, products or services for their circumstances.
While every attempt has been made to verify the information on this web site and the product being sold, or services being rendered, neither the product owners, distributors, agents or publishers assume any responsibility for any error, inaccuracies, and or omissions or assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. Each individuals success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication, effort and motivation to improve their lives. There is no guarantee or duplicate results stated here.
The information shown on the website or expressed during sessions is intended to be general information with respect to life and health issues. Information is offered in good faith – you do not have to use this information. Nothing in the content materials shall be considered legal, financial, or actuarial advice. The information provided throughout Breakyourselfhelpaddiction.com is timely and authoritative to the best of our knowledge as of the date it was published. However, research and information about professional development, counseling, psychology and life coaching is always evolving. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding the suggestions and recommendations made at this website.
Nothing offered on or offline is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. It is your sole responsibility to check and verify the information and credentials and their effects on you. The information contained within Breakyourselfhelpaddiction.com or within a session of coaching is not a substitute for professional advice such as from a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, counselor or therapist of any kind. The information provided by Breakyourselfhelpaddiction.com does not constitute legal or professional advice nor is it intended to be. You should always consult a physician or other suitable health professional before following any alternative solution to any physical or mental health problem, or before taking any products or following any health regimen. You must be 18 years of age or have parental consent before using this website, or any of our affiliates’ products or services.
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By using this website or any of our services that may have been delivered either face to face, via individual or group environments, you agree to the exclusions and limitations of liability stated in this Legal Statement and accept them as reasonable. Do not use this website or our services if you do not agree that they are reasonable.
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It is expressly understood that it is solely your responsibility to confirm the effectiveness or otherwise of any changes of professional development, and that you must do so in safety and with appropriate monitoring of your physician or other licensed healthcare professional. This site and its content are made available only to provide information about professional development and improving your life. You are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
All information shared for billing or for sessions is held in strict confidence. Your personally identifiable information is never sold, traded, or given away.
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