“I was 2 steps from walking off the bridge — and ending it all. And by the grace of God, something stopped me” . . .

How a Father of 6 Found True Love, Great Health and Financial Freedom After 30 Years of Struggling

Most “experts” never address it . . . Yet this ONE insight has helped over 150,211 people who felt worthless. Lost everything. Suffered from poor health.

Here’s how it could help YOU

Over 10 years ago I lost my house in Lexington, SC.

My Mercedes ML430.

All my money.

And I almost caused my 5-month pregnant wife and 2 kids to sleep on the streets and search for food in dumpsters.

I was 2 steps from walking off the bridge — and ending it all. But by the grace of God, something stopped me. That’s why today . . .

I consider myself the happiest person on the planet!

And I don’t remember the last time I worried about money . . . Or anything else.

I’m 57 this year, and I’m in the best health I’ve ever been!

Brians Family

Just compare the picture of me from 25 years ago with the picture of me today.


I’m telling you this to show you that no matter where you are in life right now . . .

And how tough your situation looks . . .

You too can achieve a similar change in all aspects of your life.

Because as you’ll soon see, it all comes down to following just ONE little-known “mind insight”.

This is exactly what I did for myself and for over 150,211 people who have since come to me for help.

Brian Speaking

In the most desperate moment of my life when I wanted to die . . . 

I Made a Discovery That Changed My Life Forever

I found what is really causing all the problems in our lives. Something so hidden in the depths of our minds that virtually no one knows it exists!

Most “experts” never address it — because they have no clue about it. Yet this ONE thing can make the biggest impact on your life.

I call it Mind Spells or just Spells for simplicity, but it has nothing to do with magic.

It describes one hidden mechanism in your mind that prevents you from getting what you want.

And it has a solid scientific background.

I use the word “spell” for a good reason and I will tell you why in a moment.

What I want you to know right now is that Spells are what’s REALLY preventing you from having the life you desire.

And what I discovered about them can save you a lifetime of sadness, frustration and depression.

It can also break you free from the deepest issues that are holding you back from living an amazing life of wealth, health and happiness!

And I guarantee that you have never heard about it before.

  • You won’t find it in any personal development book or course . . .
  • You won’t find it in spirituality or religions . . .
  • You won’t hear it from any mentor, psychologist or any other expert that helps people deal with their issues.

Before I discovered Spells, I studied self-help for 30 years. I've learned, applied and practiced every tool and technique I could find . . .

Yet my life was still a mess. Until I nearly killed myself and discovered what was REALLY causing all the troubles in my life.

This discovery saved me. Prevented my family from landing on the street.

And it gave me a new meaning in life.

It gave me a mission to share this insight with people who can’t change their lives. No matter how hard they try.

So if that’s you, then what I’m about to share with you can be . . .

The Last Insight You’ll Ever Need to Achieve Your Dreams!

Brian D. Ridgway

Hi, I’m Brian D. Ridgway. I’m a #1 international bestselling author and international speaker.

I discovered Spells in 2011. Since then, I’ve helped over 150,211 people from 84 countries to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

People who come to me for help are ordinary folks, business people, celebrities and even billionaires.

In fact, about 40% of my top clients are teachers, psychologists and mentors who help other people. But despite their knowledge, they still struggle with their deepest issues . . .

Because they have never heard of Spells.

People who come to me for help are ordinary folks, business people, celebrities and even billionaires.

In fact, about 40% of my top clients are teachers, psychologists and mentors who help other people.

But despite their knowledge, they still struggle with their deepest issues . . .

Because they have never heard of Spells.

Brian D. Ridgway
Blake Goodwin

“Brian’s the best at uncovering the roots of people’s problems”

"Brian is not just a genius. He is very connected. Very knowledgeable. Very passionate. He’s the best I’ve ever seen at uncovering the roots of peoples’ problems."

Blake Goodwin, CEO - VideoOptimize

Once I revealed this discovery, I received thousands of messages from people amazed by its power. And I still do — every single day. These are people from all walks of life.

For example, one of those messages came from a super successful man, Mitch Russo . . . 

Once I revealed this discovery, I received thousands of messages from people amazed by its power.

And I still do — every single day. These are people from all walks of life.

For example, one of those messages came from a super successful man, Mitch Russo . . . 

He Was a CEO of a Company Owned by Tony Robbins!

That’s right - Mitch launched the best-known self-help programs on Earth. Yet he STILL struggled in his life!

He was so amazed by my discovery of Spells, that he said: 

Mitch Russo

“Brian’s methods are like nothing I have ever seen for getting to the root of life-issues and dissolving them.”

- Mitch Russo, former President and CEO of Tony Robbins’ “Business Breakthroughs Intl.”

Then there was Christie Appleton. For 15 years, she had been battling drug addiction — and losing.

When I first met her, she was on 16 medications. Four of them strong painkillers.

She was so miserable that most days she couldn’t even get out of bed.

Nothing ever worked for her so she was convinced that change was impossible.

She thought that she was an ugly, lazy and worthless person.

This is what she saw, when she looked in the mirror:

Christie Appleton Before

Then, she found my video in which I described my magical insight.

Just one month after watching it, Christie stopped taking painkillers. A few weeks later, she wasn’t taking any pills at all. For the first time in 15 years!

She has never touched another pill ever since!

She lost 71 pounds, learned to truly love herself, and broke completely free from misery.

This is what she looks like today:

Christie Appleton Before after

Today, Christie inspires thousands of people. She proves that . . . 

ANYONE can Experience Happiness and Great Health

Then there was Vee Comstock, who got rid of compound PTSD in 2016 and never had another episode again.

Vee Comstock

And Kate Postma, who found relief to her back pain after 22 years of unsuccessful therapies.

Kate Postma

Or Joan Tremblay, who found a relationship breakthrough after 25 years of suffering.

Joan Tremblay

And many more people, who changed their lives thanks to dissolving their Mind Spells.

So stay with me because what I’m about to share with you has the power to change your life beyond your wildest dreams.

And possibly faster and more effortlessly than ANYTHING you have ever seen.

And many more people, who changed their lives thanks to dissolving their Mind Spells.

So stay with me because what I’m about to share with you has the power to change your life beyond your wildest dreams. And possibly faster and more effortlessly than ANYTHING you have ever seen.

It can work - especially if you:

  • Struggle to make ends meet and never have enough money. This insight has helped people get out of debts, find new jobs and secure their financial future.
  • Are alone, unhappy in your relationship or want to find the perfect partner. Thousands have healed their relationships and find the perfect person to live with.
  • Suffer from poor health, obesity or chronic health issues. Folks who accepted this breakthrough, got rid of PTSD. Multiple sclerosis, back pain and other issues.
  • Feel down, have low self-esteem and can’t see a way out of your current situation. Thousands of people, from ordinary folks, to homeless to drug addicts found new hope and happiness thanks to this discovery.

So I want to assure you that . . . 

Change is Possible!

You too can stop worrying about money.

Love and be loved.

Have an amazing partner that respects and desires you.

Become thin, vigorous and healthy.

Find peace after losing a loved one.

And turn almost every situation around. No matter where you are in life and how bad you may be feeling right now!

I have proven it with over 150,211 people from all over the world that Spells are the root of all these issues.

And eliminating them is the ONLY way to have an amazing, happy life!

I have seen it over and over again.

Many people who came to me spent years setting goals, saying affirmations, visualizing, developing new habits and doing other similar things.

They all felt that they were “almost there”. That soon they were going to “fix” every problem and create the life they always wanted.

They thought they were just one product away from achieving this.

You too can stop worrying about money.

Love and be loved.

Have an amazing partner that respects and desires you.

Become thin, vigorous and healthy.

Find peace after losing a loved one.

And turn almost every situation around. No matter where you are in life and how bad you may be feeling right now!

I have proven it with over 150,211 people from all over the world that Spells are the root of all these issues. And eliminating them is the ONLY way to have an amazing, happy life!

I have seen it over and over again. Many people who came to me spent years setting goals, saying affirmations, visualizing, developing new habits and doing other similar things.

They all felt that they were “almost there”. That soon they were going to “fix” every problem and create the life they always wanted. They thought they were just one product away from achieving this.

But something always dragged them down!

It’s like they achieved 99% success. But no matter what they did, they couldn’t achieve the final 1%.

They felt like they were on the last 100 yards of a marathon . . . but the finish line kept moving out of their reach.

This has changed once they discovered and dissolved their Spells.

This is when they finally achieved all the money, health and happiness they ever wanted.

It’s like they achieved 99% success. But no matter what they did, they couldn’t achieve the final 1%. They felt like they were on the last 100 yards of a marathon . . . but the finish line kept moving out of their reach.

This has changed once they discovered and dissolved their Spells. This is when they finally achieved all the money, health and happiness they ever wanted.

Shira Addato
Shira Addato
“I received an unexpected $6,000 in 3 days.”

"The day after the session, I received an unexpected check for over $3,000. Two days after that, I closed a $30,000 sale which meant another $3,000 in the bank!"

Becky Kratzer
Becky Kratzer
“Everyone who has struggled with life's challenges — do not hesitate.”

“Within a week of finding Brian’s insights, I will never be the same again. Everyone who has struggled with life's challenges — do not hesitate. Listen to Brian and you will never look back!”

So in the next few minutes, I will tell you exactly what Spells are and what you can do to get rid of them once and for all.

I will show you stories and scientific research showing how powerful this insight is.

I will show you how you can use this knowledge to create a lasting change in your life.

No One and Nothing Was Able to Help Me . . .

To show you how Spells are holding you back from living an amazing life, let me tell you my story.

At 20, I realized that my life was far from “normal”.

When making groceries, I had to count every penny because I never had enough money.

Going out to restaurants was out of the question. Often, my only meal for the whole day was a cup of instant noodles.

No one invited me to go out. No one visited me either.

I was sitting alone with my depressing thoughts. I was hurt and didn’t want to see my parents again.

Every girl I ever met thought I was a jerk. I wanted to be in a relationship but all of them ended in a disaster, after a few weeks.

I had no goals, no dreams — nothing except for a huge dark cloud hanging above my head all the time.

So I wanted to change that.

This is when I discovered self-help. And I was in awe. I believed this would end ALL of my problems.

To show you how Spells are holding you back from living an amazing life, let me tell you my story.

At 20, I realized that my life was far from “normal”.

When making groceries, I had to count every penny because I never had enough money. Going out to restaurants was out of the question. Often, my only meal for the whole day was a cup of instant noodles.

No one invited me to go out. No one visited me either. I was sitting alone with my depressing thoughts. I was hurt and didn’t want to see my parents again.

Every girl I ever met thought I was a jerk. I wanted to be in a relationship but all of them ended in a disaster, after a few weeks.

I had no goals, no dreams — nothing except for a huge dark cloud hanging above my head all the time.

So I wanted to change that.

This is when I discovered self-help. And I was in awe. I believed this would end ALL of my problems.

So I bought all sorts of books on psychology, money and relationships.

Then I bought a course or two . . . attended some events . . . and bought a few coaching sessions.

Then I met with some psychologists . . . psychiatrists . . . even some hypnotherapists.

Before I knew it, I had invested thousands in these solutions. Yet my life wasn’t getting any better . . .

Brian books and DVDs

It Was Getting Worse

Each time I discovered a new product, I felt deep hope that this would finally end my struggle.

So I bought it. Only to realize a few weeks later that I had less money in my pocket and my life was still a mess.

So what did I do?

Like most people, I blamed myself for it.

I thought I wasn’t working hard enough.

I thought that I was lazy and stupid. Because I bought so many products and none of them helped me.

With each purchase and the failure that followed, I felt even worse.

I thought that I was completely screwed up because nothing worked for me.

I reached the peak of my misery in 2011.

Only the thought of leaving my kids alone prevented me from walking off that bridge and ending it all.

The irony is, this is when I finally found the breakthrough I searched for all these years . . .

Each time I discovered a new product, I felt deep hope that this would finally end my struggle.

So I bought it. Only to realize a few weeks later that I had less money in my pocket and my life was still a mess.

So what did I do?

Like most people, I blamed myself for it.

I thought I wasn’t working hard enough.

I thought that I was lazy and stupid. Because I bought so many products and none of them helped me.

With each purchase and the failure that followed, I felt even worse. I thought that I was completely screwed up because nothing worked for me.

I reached the peak of my misery in 2011. Only the thought of leaving my kids alone prevented me from walking off that bridge and ending it all.

The irony is, this is when I finally found the breakthrough I searched for all these years . . .

And This Breakthrough Changed Everything

I realized that none of these solutions addressed the REAL root of my struggles. That’s why none of them helped me.

Using them was like putting more gas in the tank to fix a flat tire on a car. It was pointless!

But I had to experience 30 years of misery to finally realize this simple truth: That Spells have been causing all my problems.

Now, let’s talk about your Spells and how you can dissolve them for good!

This Information Can Change Your Life

The root of your problems, struggles and issues comes from your early childhood.

From events you probably don’t even remember.

For example, you may have seen your parents arguing. Getting angry at you. Neglecting you.

Not being there when you needed them and so on.

Or, perhaps, you came to an unconscious conclusion that it’s not okay for you to want something.

For example, when you wanted a new toy and your parents said you couldn’t have it.

Or maybe you have learned that getting what you want is painful, because later you have to “pay the price” for it.

For example, when your parents said “Okay, I’ll let you play with friends if you clean the house.”

Then you started watching cartoons . . . reading books . . . you discovered religion . . . you went to school . . . you started working . . . and so on and so forth.

All of that combined created your unconscious ideas of unworthiness.

Shame. Not fitting in. Being wrong. Life being hard. And many other ones.

From that time, these ideas began to control your experience in adulthood.

They became your Spells . . . 

The root of your problems, struggles and issues comes from your early childhood. From events you probably don’t even remember.

For example, you may have seen your parents arguing. Getting angry at you. Neglecting you. Not being there when you needed them and so on.

Or, perhaps, you came to an unconscious conclusion that it’s not okay for you to want something. For example, when you wanted a new toy and your parents said you couldn’t have it.

Or maybe you have learned that getting what you want is painful, because later you have to “pay the price” for it. For example, when your parents said “Okay, I’ll let you play with friends if you clean the house.”

Then you started watching cartoons . . . reading books . . . you discovered religion . . . you went to school . . . you started working . . . and so on and so forth.

All of that combined created your unconscious ideas of unworthiness. Shame. Not fitting in. Being wrong. Life being hard. And many other ones.

From that time, these ideas began to control your experience in adulthood.

They became your Spells . . . 

Hidden, Unconscious Mechanisms That Drive Your Actions 

You can compare this process to learning a new skill — like learning to drive a car.

When you learn to drive a car, first, you focus a lot on turning the wheel, operating the pedals and shifting gears.

But a few weeks later, you’re doing it automatically.


Because once you master the skill, you start doing it unconsciously.

Thanks to it, you can focus on the road and other cars.

You don’t have to wonder which way to turn the wheel or what pedal to press anymore.

Long story short: your subconscious mind takes control of the car.

In a similar way, your subconscious mind has taken over control of your thoughts, emotions and reactions.

You can compare this process to learning a new skill — like learning to drive a car.

When you learn to drive a car, first, you focus a lot on turning the wheel, operating the pedals and shifting gears. But a few weeks later, you’re doing it automatically.


Because once you master the skill, you start doing it unconsciously.

Thanks to it, you can focus on the road and other cars. You don’t have to wonder which way to turn the wheel or what pedal to press anymore.

Long story short: your subconscious mind takes control of the car.

In a similar way, your subconscious mind has taken over control of your thoughts, emotions and reactions.

Even neuroscientists confirm it!

According to their research, we make 95% of our decisions unconsciously.

Which means that 95% of the time . . .

We make decisions based on our Spells, and not on what we consciously think!

We constantly play the same “music” like a broken record. Because these reactions are programmed deep into our subconscious mind.

Consider the DNA code. It determines how your body looks and works.

Your height, health, the color of your hair and eyes, and so on — it’s all written in your DNA code.

So if you’re blonde and not dark-haired — it’s not your fault. It’s what’s encoded in your DNA and it happens without your control.

In a similar way, your reactions, thoughts and emotions are encoded by your Mind Spells.

They are like your “Cognitive DNA”. They dictate your experience in relation to money, health, relationships. And all the other areas.

Whenever some event triggers your Spells — they make you unconsciously react to it.

Always in the same way, always causing the same outcome - over and over again.

For example:

  • When someone compliments your great work, your Spells may push you to answer that you “just got lucky.”
  • Or when you receive more money, they may push you to find ways to spend it all. Or they may cause you to feel like a fraud.
  • Or, when you find a person that truly loves you, your Spells can turn you into a cold and distant person.
    Because deep down you feel that you don’t deserve love.
    Or quite the opposite, they can make you feel fanatical about that person — because you’re scared of losing them.

These are just general examples to show you how it works. We are all different.

We all have different Mind Spells. And we all react differently.

But there’s one thing that’s common for all of us . . .

These are just general examples to show you how it works. We are all different. We all have different Mind Spells. And we all react differently.

But there’s one thing that’s common for all of us . . .

It’s NOT Your Fault if Your Life is Not Like You Want It To Be!

It’s not because you’re stupid. It’s not because you’re lazy or different . . .

It’s ONLY because your Spells constantly prevent you from achieving what you want. No matter how hard you try.

And you never achieved the breakthrough in your life ONLY because no one told you about it. Until NOW!

And soon, I will show you how you can dissolve your Spells all on your own.

Which is easier and more effortless than you probably think.

It’s NOT Your Fault if Your Life is Not Like You Want It To Be!

It’s not because you’re stupid. It’s not because you’re lazy or different . . .

It’s ONLY because your Spells constantly prevent you from achieving what you want. No matter how hard you try.

And you never achieved the breakthrough in your life ONLY because no one told you about it. Until NOW!

And soon, I will show you how you can dissolve your Spells all on your own. Which is easier and more effortless than you probably think.

Yet the change it creates is so profound, people say it’s a miracle!

It doesn’t matter where you’re from, who you are and what kind of issues you’re facing . . .

This Works for Everyone Exactly the Same Way!

To get this information, I had to go through 30 long years filled with money disasters, tears and misery.

And I almost killed myself before I discovered it.

So I want you to stop, take a deep breath, and feel excitement waking up in your body . . .

It doesn’t matter where you’re from, who you are and what kind of issues you’re facing . . .

This Works for Everyone Exactly the Same Way!
To get this information, I had to go through 30 long years filled with money disasters, tears and misery. And I almost killed myself before I discovered it.

So I want you to stop, take a deep breath, and feel excitement waking up in your body . . . 

  • Feel its warmth in your gut . . .
  • Feel how it makes your heart beat faster . . .
  • Feel how the energy of change is waking up in your body . . .

It’s a feeling of freedom.

It’s a feeling of FINALLY knowing what caused so many pain and disasters in your life . . .

And it’s a feeling of victory!

Because soon you’ll dissolve your Spells . . .

Break the illusion that keeps you stuck all the time . . .

And have literal miracles happen for you!

This is what happened for me and thousands of others who followed the same path you’re walking on right now.

It’s a feeling of freedom.

It’s a feeling of FINALLY knowing what caused so many pain and disasters in your life . . .

And it’s a feeling of victory!

Because soon you’ll dissolve your Spells . . .

Break the illusion that keeps you stuck all the time . . .

And have literal miracles happen for you! This is what happened for me and thousands of others who followed the same path you’re walking on right now.

Tracy Keough

“Brian’s work made all the difference.”

“Prior to finding Brian, my relationship of 22 years hit a crossroad. We had been 2 months into marital counseling. His work made all the difference in my perception of my marriage and the challenges we were facing.”

Tracy Keough

Erica Hooft

“A literal miracle.”

"One session with Brian has led to me releasing the scoliosis I had for the previous 30 years. This is a literal miracle.”

Erica Hooft

Imagine the spike of self-confidence such a miraculous transformation will give you. Finally, you’ll be able to feel peace because . . .

The issues that kept on destroying your life will finally be gone!

There won’t be any struggle, pain or helplessness.

Just pure confidence that you and amazing life are destined for each other.

And there’s nothing preventing you from experiencing it anymore.

It’s like the relief after finding a source of water in the desert after hours of desperate thirst.

You just found a source so abundant, you won’t ever need to worry about having water again.

You’re saved!

That’s how dissolving your Spells feels like.

It’s like realizing that your whole life you were looking at the world through broken lenses.

Lenses that twisted and distorted your reality.

It’s like taking a deep breath after almost choking underwater.

What happens in that moment, is as close to a miracle as possible. Yet it happens for real!

There won’t be any struggle, pain or helplessness.

Just pure confidence that you and amazing life are destined for each other. And there’s nothing preventing you from experiencing it anymore.

It’s like the relief after finding a source of water in the desert after hours of desperate thirst. You just found a source so abundant, you won’t ever need to worry about having water again.

You’re saved!

That’s how dissolving your Spells feels like.

It’s like realizing that your whole life you were looking at the world through broken lenses.

Lenses that twisted and distorted your reality.

It’s like taking a deep breath after almost choking underwater.

What happens in that moment, is as close to a miracle as possible. Yet it happens for real!

Kate Postma
No More Back Pain and Scoliosis 

For 22 years, Kate Postma has been suffering from severe scoliosis. She couldn’t walk long distances. She couldn’t run, ride a bike or exercise.

One evening, she watched my session and experienced a miracle. For the first time in years, she slept like a baby without swallowing a fistful of painkillers. The very next day, she was pain-free. She was healthy again. Many years later, she still is. The pain never came back.

Linda Schiller
No More Fear

Linda Schiller was suffering from a severe fear of “putting herself out there”. She wanted to communicate with her audience via YouTube but was paralyzed by fear.

She then decided to join one of my sessions and experienced her own breakthrough. 30 days after the session, she emailed me saying that the knot in her stomach that had been there for 30 years was GONE.

Joan Tremblay
Life-long Relationship Issues and Hip Pain = GONE!

Joan Tremblay has been in self-help for over 25 years. Yet she struggled with relationship issues and hip pain. After a 15-minute session with me, her issues and pain were gone. 6 months after the session, she reached out to me to confirm that none of her issues came back.

Vee Comstock
PTSD Melted Away

In ONE session, Vee Comstock melted away her Compound PTSD that she was struggling with for 20 years. Since her session with me in 2016, she has never had another episode again.

These people have followed my simple process that allows you to dissolve your Spells.

I call this process Spellbreaking, and here’s how it works.

The Key to Dissolving Your Problems

Jack Vidal

To illustrate how Spellbreaking works, let me show you the story of one of my clients, Jack Vidal.

Jack had been studying self-help for years. Yet there were still some areas he struggled with.

He came to me with some long-term relationship issues that he couldn’t deal with.

We spent just an hour on the phone. I quickly identified that Jack’s issues had their core in his early childhood.

As a child, he had come to some unconscious conclusions telling him he was unworthy.

This is how Jack unconsciously shaped his Spells.

As it later turned out, these very same Spells were holding him back from expanding his business.

Yet, just as with every person that first comes to work with me, he had no idea this was the case . . .

So I Went on to Help Him Dissolve These Spells

First I asked him a few questions that allowed me to recognize his Spells and find out what shaped them.

Then, I got him to relive these events.

But this time, making sure that he saw that the conclusions he had come to weren’t true.

Finally, I got him to feel and release all the emotions that were involved.

And realize that this story couldn’t control him anymore.

So when I did this for Jack Vidal — when I uncovered his Spells and the situations that shaped them . . .

Jack saw through it.

After the session, he gained a new sense of clarity, confidence and deservingness.

His life-long issues were gone, his relationships improved . . .

And a few weeks after that, he doubled his business.

The great news is — what I did for Jack, you can easily do for yourself . . .

Because everyone can master Spellbreaking and use it to transform their lives.

It’s easier than you probably think and the outcomes are so profound that . . . 

First I asked him a few questions that allowed me to recognize his Spells and find out what shaped them. Then, I got him to relive these events.

But this time, making sure that he saw that the conclusions he had come to weren’t true.

Finally, I got him to feel and release all the emotions that were involved. And realize that this story couldn’t control him anymore.

So when I did this for Jack Vidal — when I uncovered his Spells and the situations that shaped them . . .

Jack saw through it.

After the session, he gained a new sense of clarity, confidence and deservingness.

His life-long issues were gone, his relationships improved . . .

And a few weeks after that, he doubled his business.

The great news is — what I did for Jack, you can easily do for yourself . . .

Because everyone can master Spellbreaking and use it to transform their lives.

It’s easier than you probably think and the outcomes are so profound that . . . 

People Call it a Miracle

I described this simple process in my bestselling book “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”.

I called it like that because the insights from this book were the only ones that took me out of misery.

Before I discovered Spells and my simple process of dissolving them, I’d spent over $300,000 on different self-help products.

I wanted to change my life so badly, I became addicted to these products.

Whenever I heard a new promise I was full of hope and I quickly purchased that new shiny product.

But NONE of them, no exceptions, helped me.

And I know that there’s millions of people just like me.

People who want to live in health, wealth and happiness - but no matter what they do, they can’t achieve it.

“Break Your Self-Help Addiction” ends this vicious cycle. It gives you all the tools and information you need to identify your Spells - the REAL root of your issues. And to dissolve them for good.

There’s a good reason why “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” became a #1 international bestseller.

And why it has over 300, five-star reviews from people amazed by its simplicity and power.

The tools and insights I’m sharing with you in my book are EVERYTHING you need to create a lasting change in your life.

People constantly tell me they’re more powerful than 30 years of studying self-help.

Because they show you how to eliminate your Mind Spells — the ONLY cause of your struggles.

I described this simple process in my bestselling book “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”.

I called it like that because the insights from this book were the only ones that took me out of misery.

Before I discovered Spells and my simple process of dissolving them, I’d spent over $300,000 on different self-help products.

I wanted to change my life so badly, I became addicted to these products.

Whenever I heard a new promise I was full of hope and I quickly purchased that new shiny product.

But NONE of them, no exceptions, helped me.

And I know that there’s millions of people just like me. People who want to live in health, wealth and happiness - but no matter what they do, they can’t achieve it.

“Break Your Self-Help Addiction” ends this vicious cycle. It gives you all the tools and information you need to identify your Spells - the REAL root of your issues. And to dissolve them for good.

There’s a good reason why “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” became a #1 international bestseller. And why it has over 300, five-star reviews from people amazed by its simplicity and power.

The tools and insights I’m sharing with you in my book are EVERYTHING you need to create a lasting change in your life.

People constantly tell me they’re more powerful than 30 years of studying self-help. Because they show you how to eliminate your Mind Spells — the ONLY cause of your struggles.

But you don’t have to believe my word. Have a look at what they say:

Dr. Sirena Pellarolo

Dr. Sirena Pellarolo

I was blown away by Brian’s book

“After 30+ years in self-development, I was introduced to Brian's work. When I read his book for the first time (I've done 4 readings already), I was blown away. His work is the best that I've experienced.”

Jill Hendrickson

Jill Hendrickson

Brian’s work may be the only one that’s really worth it

“I have been in the personal development arena for 30 years. It has been a painful and frustrating journey that cost me easily over $100,000. Do yourself a favor and make an exception for Brian’s work. Because it may be the only one that's really worth it.”

Larry Moseley

Larry Moseley

The most amazing thing that ever happened to me

“I first was exposed to Brian D Ridgway’s book, which connected with me. His work was the most amazing thing that ever happened to me in 30 years of self-help journey.”

Viviane Eeraerts

Viviane Eeraerts

No words to express my gratitude to Brian

“For over 40 years, I've been into self-help work. I was getting out some insights or tools, but never revolutionizing my mindset . . . Until when I met Brian. Thanks to him, I get more and more connected with the Source. Day by day, I'm becoming more of who I Am. No words to express my gratitude to Brian.”

Misha Ichikawa

Misha Ichikawa

Brian’s the real deal!

“After well over 30 years of self-help books, I stumbled upon Brian. This was the most amazing experience and felt so many things. If you’re wondering, “Is this for real?” . . . This is the real deal! Just open your mind.”

Doug Abney

Doug Abney

I’ve learned more from Brian than from the other people combined

“After 30 years of studying self-help, I can honestly tell you that most self-help guru's leave stuff out. But not Brian. I have learned more from him in a few days than I learned from all those other people combined.”

Obie Warren

Obie Warren

Brian leaves no stone unturned

“After over 30 years studying self-help tapes, books, courses, and getting to the "almost" . . . I found Brian and I am so happy I did. Brian leaves no stone unturned, and I have had quite a few breakthroughs from listening to his work.”

The great news is — YOU can achieve similar breakthroughs. Just as every other person on Earth, you too have Mind Spells that were shaped in the exact same way as theirs.

Which means that you too can dissolve your Spells and finally have the life you desire.

Just as the thousands of people who followed the simple process I described in my book!

Your Liberation Begins Here

Congratulations, my friend. Now you know more about eliminating your problems than most people will ever learn.

And I’m so happy that I could share this powerful knowledge with you today — because this process works.

And you’ve seen several of the THOUSANDS of testimonials and stories that prove how powerful it is.

If you stick with it, you will be able to look at your life differently.

You will feel different emotions . . . you’ll experience different reactions . . . and different feelings about yourself, other people and the entire world.

And suddenly, everything will change.

Whatever didn’t work for you in the past, will finally become easier than you think possible.

Maybe you will finally get a raise . . . find a new job . . . or open a new business and you won’t need to ever worry about money again.

Maybe you’ll find passion, connection and a deep, lasting love. No matter if you’re single or with someone already.

Or maybe this book will be the only thing that helps you deal with your addiction and become free again.

Maybe it will help you to relieve your health problems and diseases. Even those you’ve been battling for years now.

Maybe it will help you deal with other issues and problems I haven’t mentioned here. As it did for thousands of others.

Because with the right insight, the change is possible — no matter where you are in your life right now.

Congratulations, my friend. Now you know more about eliminating your problems than most people will ever learn.

And I’m so happy that I could share this powerful knowledge with you today — because this process works. And you’ve seen several of the THOUSANDS of testimonials and stories that prove how powerful it is.

If you stick with it, you will be able to look at your life differently. You will feel different emotions . . . you’ll experience different reactions . . . and different feelings about yourself, other people and the entire world.

And suddenly, everything will change.

Whatever didn’t work for you in the past, will finally become easier than you think possible.

Maybe you will finally get a raise . . . find a new job . . . or open a new business and you won’t need to ever worry about money again.

Maybe you’ll find passion, connection and a deep, lasting love. No matter if you’re single or with someone already.

Or maybe this book will be the only thing that helps you deal with your addiction and become free again.

Maybe it will help you to relieve your health problems and diseases. Even those you’ve been battling for years now.

Maybe it will help you deal with other issues and problems I haven’t mentioned here. As it did for thousands of others.

Because with the right insight, the change is possible — no matter where you are in your life right now.

The only reason you haven’t experienced it is because you’ve been unconsciously programmed to believe that:

  • You’re unworthy.
  • Life is hard and painful.
  • Making more money than others is unfair.
  • There’s something wrong with you and that you’re different.
  • And so on, and so forth.

This is the only reason why you’re experiencing different problems. These are the Spells that keep on destroying your life.

And soon this will finally change, thanks to the “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” book.

Lasting Liberation for Less than 2 Cups of Coffee

Many people have paid all the way from $800 for an 1-hour private session with me . . . to $24,000 to spend 4 days with me so I could help them eliminate their problems once and for all.

Yet there were two things that limited my ability to help others.

First - there’s just one “me”. Which means I can work only with a limited amount of people - while I’d love to help as many as possible.

Second - not everyone could invest $800 for a single session . . . and even less could afford to work with me in person in Hawaii.

So to solve those 2 problems, I described this simple process in a book and made it . . .

THE most effective and affordable solution to solving your problems that I‘ve ever seen!

First, I wanted to offer it for $44. Because this single book contains 39 years of priceless experiences that I proved to work on thousands of people.

So at this price, it would be worth every single penny.

But then I thought about what’s going on in the world today.

Millions of people are living in constant fear, worrying about their future . . .

Plus, all those global events hint that we may be on the verge of the biggest economic crisis of the modern world . . .

And that’s scary for a lot of people.

So I decided to offer
“Break Your Self-Help Addiction” at a much lower price.

So that everyone can get it, and begin changing their lives starting today.

Because to get the
“Break Your Self-Help Addiction” book, you need to invest JUST $8.88!

Which is a pure “STEAL”!

Think about it . . .

Just $8.88 for the book that can change your entire experience in a matter of days . . . sometimes even hours . . .

It’s less than you’d pay for 2 premium cups of coffee . . . yet it can change just about EVERYTHING in your life.

To make it work, you don’t need any vision boards, affirmations, notepads, post-it notes - nothing.

All you need is to read it - and allow it to create a lasting change in your life.

It’s as simple as it can get. And so effective, I’m constantly receiving new messages from people who changed their lives thanks to the insights from this book.


"I wish for every single person in the world to meet this Hawaiian dude that’s here on this Earth to literally work miracles."

Nadine Du Toit

Jack Humphrey

"Brian is the real deal. He has changed every aspect of my life for the better."

Jack Humphrey

"I am no longer stuck. Brian is a true genius. Highly recommended."

David Kinney

Steve Leverlla

"Brian will completely change your life. I spent years with the top coaches but never had a real breakthrough, until I found Brian.”

Steve Ieverlla

This is Your Way Out

I did everything I could to show you how this book can help you change your life.

And I am convinced that it will deliver on this promise.

But I want to go even further. I want to give you 100% comfort and remove all the risk by offering you my . . . 

I did everything I could to show you how this book can help you change your life. And I am convinced that it will deliver on this promise.

But I want to go even further. I want to give you 100% comfort and remove all the risk by offering you my . . . 

180 days Money back guarantee

I am convinced that you’ll be thrilled with “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”.

And that it will change your life more than anything you have ever seen.

Simply get it today, read through it and follow my guidance.

If you’re not blown away and if you see no change in your life whatsoever . . .

Let me know in 180 days and I will give you your money back. No questions asked.

In any case you risk nothing. And you stand to finally achieve the breakthrough in your life you always dreamed of.

And to further help you step into your freedom to be, do and live like you want, I’m offering you these amazing bonuses:

I am convinced that you’ll be thrilled with “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”. And that it will change your life more than anything you have ever seen.

Simply get it today, read through it and follow my guidance.

If you’re not blown away and if you see no change in your life whatsoever . . . Let me know in 180 days and I will give you your money back. No questions asked.

In any case you risk nothing. And you stand to finally achieve the breakthrough in your life you always dreamed of.

And to further help you step into your freedom to be, do and live like you want, I’m offering you these amazing bonuses:

Bonuses That Deepen Your Experience

BONUS 1: Breath of Light Process

A guided breathing technique that heals and transforms your mind and body. Just make yourself comfortable, put your headphones on and experience true bliss. Worth $88 — yours for FREE.

BONUS 2: Money Spellbreaking Session

A video recording of a powerful session where I break a money Spell for one of the participants. By watching it with full presence, you can experience your own Spellbreak, just as if I was doing it live for you. Worth $800 — you get it for FREE.

BONUS 3: “Harmful Personal Development Myths Exposed” Video

Some of the most popular self-help techniques can do you more harm than good. Watch this bonus video so you know what it is and what to do instead.

OPTIONAL BONUS: “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” Premium Audiobook Package

Back in the day, just as most people, I didn’t have enough time to read all the books I wanted.

I had partially solved this problem by getting audiobooks that I could listen to during the day.

But there was an issue with that. I was often distracted while listening to audiobooks. And found it hard to remember what the book was about.

This is when I found a brilliant way to solve both of these issues.

You see, I am a professional musician. I understand how different sounds influence our brain.

So I took the audiobooks I owned and added brain-stimulating sounds to them.

This way I made sure my mind absorbed this knowledge as efficiently as possible.

It worked so well, I was blown away by the results!

This simple trick allowed me to focus 100% on the audiobook during my daily activities . . . and absorb insights better and faster than normal.

I do this even today . . . and I did this for you, too.

First, I recorded an audio version of “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”.

Then, I added different background tracks that speed up and deepen your transformation.

As a result, I ended up with 5 different audio versions of my book that you can use at different times of the day . . . and get exactly the same results as by reading the book with 100% focus.

Having an audiobook allows you to listen to “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” when you have no time to read.

For example when driving a car, working out, cleaning the house. Even at work or while walking your dog.

This means that even when you’re busy and get easily distracted . . . you can still achieve amazing results faster than you thought possible!

This audiobook uploads these life-changing insights into your brain.

Just like you upload photos to your computer. And I have even prepared a version that works when you sleep!

So it doesn’t matter how busy you are or if you have trouble concentrating.

This Premium Audiobook Package will make you absorb these amazing insights fast and effortlessly. Period!

And as I will show you in a moment, you can get these audiobooks under some very special conditions.

Back in the day, just as most people, I didn’t have enough time to read all the books I wanted. I had partially solved this problem by getting audiobooks that I could listen to during the day.

But there was an issue with that. I was often distracted while listening to audiobooks. And found it hard to remember what the book was about.

This is when I found a brilliant way to solve both of these issues.

You see, I am a professional musician. I understand how different sounds influence our brain.

So I took the audiobooks I owned and added brain-stimulating sounds to them. This way I made sure my mind absorbed this knowledge as efficiently as possible.

It worked so well, I was blown away by the results!

This simple trick allowed me to focus 100% on the audiobook during my daily activities . . . and absorb insights better and faster than normal.

I do this even today . . . and I did this for you, too.

First, I recorded an audio version of “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”. Then, I added different background tracks that speed up and deepen your transformation.

As a result, I ended up with 5 different audio versions of my book that you can use at different times of the day . . . and get exactly the same results as by reading the book with 100% focus.

Having an audiobook allows you to listen to “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” when you have no time to read. For example when driving a car, working out, cleaning the house. Even at work or while walking your dog.

This means that even when you’re busy and get easily distracted . . . you can still achieve amazing results faster than you thought possible!

This audiobook uploads these life-changing insights into your brain. Just like you upload photos to your computer. And I have even prepared a version that works when you sleep!

So it doesn’t matter how busy you are or if you have trouble concentrating.

This Premium Audiobook Package will make you absorb these amazing insights fast and effortlessly. Period!

And as I will show you in a moment, you can get these audiobooks under some very special conditions.

Here’s what’s included in this Bonus Package:

  1. 1
    A full audiobook in a single file

    Just upload it to your device and listen to it whenever you want.
  2. 2
    A full audiobook with each chapter in a separate file

    Thanks to it, you can quickly re-listen to the chapters you liked the most. Or quickly find answers to your questions whenever you need it.
  3. 3
    The Alpha Version

    Alpha brain waves supercharge your energy and mental clarity.

    Thanks to it you’re able to master life-changing information even during a busy day with a 100% focus. In the alpha-state you’re putting your brain in a “learning mode”. So it absorbs the information faster and it stores it more easily.
  4. 4
    The Schumann Frequency Version

    Schumann Frequency is the natural frequency of Earth that calms you down and helps you relax.

    It quickly relieves the anxiety after and during your day. By helping you to relax, this version makes the information reach even deeper levels of your mind.
  5. 5
    The Delta Version

    This version is perfect to listen to before you go to sleep.

    It helps you to get a deeper, more restful sleep while also gently soaking the material into your mind.

To me, adding the Premium Audiobook Package to your order is a no-brainer. Because it perfectly supplements the book.

It allows you to transform your life during your daily activities — when you normally have no time to read.

Thanks to the brain-stimulating sounds, you absorb this knowledge much faster than normally.

To the best of my knowledge, no one has done anything like this before.

I’m not offering these audiobooks anywhere else — not even on my website.

This is the only place where you can get it.

If you don’t add it to your order, you will lose your chance of getting it . . . and making your transformation faster and smoother than you thought possible.

So only on this page, you can get the Premium Audiobook Package at a special price of $22.

The audiobook is added to your order by default.

Yet if you choose to buy the book without it, simply uncheck the box on the order page (see the instructions below).

To me, adding the Premium Audiobook Package to your order is a no-brainer. Because it perfectly supplements the book. It allows you to transform your life during your daily activities — when you normally have no time to read.

Thanks to the brain-stimulating sounds, you absorb this knowledge much faster than normally.

To the best of my knowledge, no one has done anything like this before.

I’m not offering these audiobooks anywhere else — not even on my website.

This is the only place where you can get it.

If you don’t add it to your order, you will lose your chance of getting it . . . and making your transformation faster and smoother than you thought possible.

So only on this page, you can get the Premium Audiobook Package at a special price of $22.

The audiobook is added to your order by default. Yet if you choose to buy the book without it, simply uncheck the box on the order page (see the instructions below).

Start Your Liberation NOW

I offer you my bestselling book that describes the simple process that has helped over 150,211 people from 84 countries.

Many have paid me all the way from $800 to $24,000 so I could walk them through this process in person . . . yet you get all these insights in this powerful book for just $8.88.

I’m so confident this book can change your life that I’m offering you my Ironclad 180-day Money Back Guarantee.

And to help you even further, I add 4 amazing bonuses worth over $888 to your book.

So to allow miracles to happen for you, click the button below.

It will take you to the order page where you can safely get your copy of “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”.

It will look like this:

I offer you my bestselling book that describes the simple process that has helped over 150,211 people from 84 countries.

Many have paid me all the way from $800 to $24,000 so I could walk them through this process in person . . . yet you get all these insights in this powerful book for just $8.88.

I’m so confident this book can change your life that I’m offering you my Ironclad 180-day Money Back Guarantee.

And to help you even further, I add 4 amazing bonuses worth over $888 to your book.

So to allow miracles to happen for you, click the button below. It will take you to the order page where you can safely get your copy of “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”.

It will look like this:


Once you complete the order, I will immediately send you the details to access and download your book.

So don’t waste your time struggling with different issues while liberation is so close!

To get “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” with zero risk, click the button below now:

P.S. “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” has helped all kinds of folks to create a lasting change in their lives.

From ordinary folks, businessmen and billionaires from all over the world.

To people who lost all the hope, including homeless people and drug addicts.

That’s why I’m so convinced it can do the same for you. In fact, I offer you a safe way to see how powerful this book is.

Simply order it, read it, and if you’re not blown away, you have 180 days to return it and get your money back!

And right now, you can get it for less than 2 premium cups of coffee — which is a bargain of a lifetime.

To claim your copy of “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” for a special price of $8.88 click the button below now:

P.S. “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” has helped all kinds of folks to create a lasting change in their lives. From ordinary folks, businessmen and billionaires from all over the world. To people who lost all the hope, including homeless people and drug addicts.

That’s why I’m so convinced it can do the same for you. In fact, I offer you a safe way to see how powerful this book is. Simply order it, read it, and if you’re not blown away, you have 180 days to return it and get your money back!

And right now, you can get it for less than 2 premium cups of coffee — which is a bargain of a lifetime.

To claim your copy of “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” for a special price of $8.88 click the button below now:
